What symptoms are related to Food Intolerances?

Your symptoms may be mild, progressive, or chronic and could be any of the following and may vary:

Examples: indigestion, bloating, heartburn, cramps, difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing, an inflammatory skin condition, irregular or difficult bowel movements, IBS, leaky gut, candida, Coeliac’s, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis or any other type of debilitating digestive condition, joint pain, or an autoimmune disorder.

Why is testing food intolerance (Kinesiology test) important?

Understanding which specific foods you have a (current) sensitivity or intolerance to enables you to adapt your diet to best support your health and well-being. Addressing your food intolerances can dramatically improve your health and wellbeing. It can also help you regain harmony and balance. Clients experienced relief in symptoms such as a boost in energy levels; improved mood; reduced inflammation; ability to achieve their ideal weight; and experience a healthier outlook day to day.

What do you test for?

I work with a food sensitivity hierarchy to test my clients and to see which priority foods a client should avoid.

This is just an example of what I test for:

  • WHEAT – The Western world has a wheat dominant diet consisting of bran, pasta, bread, desserts and cereals and it is often used as filler. Wheat has high levels of gluten. Understanding if you have a wheat intolerance is important because undigested gluten can trigger the immune system to attack the lining of the small intestine. Also, the increased use of the pesticide glyphosate in wheat impacts on the bacteria in the gut and can impair the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.
  • GRAINS – which contain a protein called lectin, which can increase gut permeability.
  • COW’S MILK – Dairy contains a sugar called lactose and a protein called casein. 75% of the population do not have the digestive enzyme lactase to break these down in the digestive tract.
  • EGGS – Egg yolk and Egg white. Eggs are considered a health food. However, it contain an enzyme called lysozyme (in the egg whites) which crosses the gut barrier and triggers an immune response. This is important to check for those with digestive and immune symptoms. Egg yolks might be tolerable.
  • NIGHTSHADES – contain saponins, alkaloids, and lectins which are designed to protect the plant from consumption and again, cross the gut barrier and trigger an immune response.
  • NUTS – Those with sensitive digestions may struggle to digest nuts, especially with the brown skins that are indigestible.

I can also test for specific food/drink items you wish to bring to your appointment.

Will I be able to eat the foods I am intolerant to now, in the future?

Food intolerances are not usually permanent. Generally, food intolerances or food sensitivities clear or shift over time. They are not fixed nor lifelong issues if properly understood and addressed. Kinesiology helps you de-sensitise the problem foods. Think of it as a symptom of an over-reactive, sensitised immune response, which can change over time given the right circumstances and building blocks – including eating foods that best serve you, taking quality nutrition and reducing your stress levels. Usually, you can go back to eating most foods after a period of elimination.


How long does the food intolerance testing take?

Testing time is 40 minutes. It includes a summary of which foods to eliminate and any appropriate dietary protocols

Why choose Kinesiology food Intolerance testing?

Kinesiology offers immediate results and can be a more accessible approach over other testing methods.

Kinesiology testing represents tremendous value as no external phlebotomy or laboratory fees are needed, thereby offering you a highly cost-effective way of screening for your food intolerances.

Kinesiology offers a non-invasive way of testing. Using your real-time feedback from your nervous system, via your muscles, to assess your body’s tolerance levels to foods. This makes it an approachable way to assess food intolerances during all stages of life and health for adults, parents, teenagers, children, babies, the elderly, and needle-phobic clients.

Kinesiology instantly reveals your body’s real-time response to foods. More importantly, you will clearly experience this yourself, as your normally strong muscle will (momentarily) give way when a problem food is tested.

Instant results:
During in clinic testing, I provide your results immediately, so that you leave your first appointment knowing which foods to eat and which to avoid. I can also test for nutritional deficiencies and give you support to integrate recommended dietary changes.

You can book in online via my Book Online web page. Choose – CLINICFOOD SENSITIVITY TEST

As a Kinesiologist, my goal is to work one to one with you. My approach is to listen to your health concerns and to root out the underlying factors that are causing your health imbalances whether mild, progressive, or chronic, using a range of strategies. My client’s find this approach enormously empowering as it provides them a step-by-step approach to follow, according to their needs, well-being goals and budget.

Got a question about food intolerance testing?

Contact me on 0113 521 3400 or via email: helen@helenmchugh.co.uk

I look forward to welcoming you at Horsforth Health Hub, horsforthhealthhub.com