Nathan Reynolds Osteopath, Leeds Osteopathy at The Horsforth Health Hub

My aim as an Osteopath is to help each of my patients live a healthy active life free from discomfort.

Leeds Osteopathy provides high quality osteopathic healthcare in a warm, friendly and caring environment, centred around you and your family. As a registered Osteopath the techniques I use are very gentle and tailored to each patient’s physical needs from newborn to the elderly.

Nobody should have to live with pain
Nathan Reynolds Osteopath, Leeds Osteopathy


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopaths do not prescribe drugs to alleviate pain. Instead their highly trained sense of touch enables them to diagnose and treat the underlying causes of pain.

Much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in our body’s structure and function. Osteopathy diagnoses and treats damaged parts of the body such as muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints to help the body’s natural healing ability. When the body is balanced and efficient, just like a well tuned engine, it will function with the minimum of wear and tear, leaving more energy for living.

An Osteopath is able to use many of the diagnostic procedures used in conventional medicine. However, unlike conventional medicine, the patient is also assessed functionally, mechanically and posturally and treated by manual methods to suit the individual’s needs.


We treat people, not conditions

We regard pain or dis-ease as signs of imbalance, poor alignment or a disruption in the body’s natural coping mechanisms. Through the right support, we can help the body restore itself.

To that end, I take a holistic approach to easing physical stressors and tapping into the body’s natural healing powers. That means we don’t just look at the body, we listen to the patient. 

Get to the root of your health problems

Have you been suffering from a long term health problem, but have never really got to the bottom of what is causing it?

Maybe you have been symptom patching, but never really getting any better or maybe new symptoms just keep popping up.

As an Osteopath, I will investigate the root causes of your symptoms and we’ll discuss the best way forward to treating those underlying health problems so you can start living a life free from persistent discomfort.

Osteopathy for all the family

Osteopathy is not just for grownups. I treat all ages, from tiny newborns, children, young adults, pre and post natal, the elderly and everybody in between.

Osteopathy for babies and children

Osteopathy in pregnancy

Osteopathy for sports injuries


Osteopathy for Back Pain

If you are suffering from back pain you will know how painfully debilitating it can be.

Back pain can affect anyone at any age, caused by sprain, strains of the structures of the back such as the muscles, ligaments joints, damage to the discs or just wear and tear.

An Osteopath will looks at the underlying causes of your symptoms and help prevent back pain becoming a chronic, long-term condition.

Osteopathic manipulation has also been recommended by The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) and The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) for the treatment of low back pain.

Book an appointment with Nathan at Leeds Osteopathy on 0113 88 00 623
 or click the button below to book online and get to the bottom of your health issues once and for all.

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